More than 30 days before check-in: Full refund of the booking amount.
15 to 30 days before check-in: 50% refund of the booking amount.
7 to 14 days before check-in: 25% refund of the booking amount.
Less than 7 days before check-in or no-show: No refund.
Modification Policy:
Reservation modifications (change of dates, room type, or guest details) are subject to availability and must be requested at least 15 days before check-in.
Modifications made less than 15 days before check-in may be subject to additional charges.
Early Departure:
No refunds for guests who shorten their stay after check-in.
Refund Process:
Approved refunds will be processed within 7-10 business days.
Refunds will be credited to the original payment method used during booking.